Maquette Exhibition and Final Selection Meeting of Wuhu Sculpture Special Exhibition Held
添加时间:2024/7/25 来源:中国雕塑学会

On July 21, at 2:00 pm, the Maquette Exhibition and Final Selection Meeting of  Wuhu Sculpture Special Exhibition was officially opened at Wuhu Old Shipyard 1900. The exhibition, jointly organised by Wuhu Municipal People's Government and China Sculpture Institute, focuses on Wuhu's long-standing cultural heritage on the Yangtze River, its glorious shipbuilding industry and its booming modern automobile industry, it draws a cultural thread between Wuhu's history, reality and future, laying a solid foundation for the city's continued prosperity. The title of the exhibition, “Sculpting the Legacy·Wuhu in a New Era”, not only reflects the profound historical background of Wuhu, but also highlights its new features in the process of modernization.

The leaders and experts attended are: Zeng Chenggang, President of China Sculpture Institute, Chairman of Shanghai Artists Association, and President of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts; Wei Xiufang, member of Standing Committee of Wuhu City and Head of the Propaganda Department; Zhu Famu, Secretary of the Party Committee and director-general of Wuhu Housing and urban-rural Development Bureau; Huang Biwen, member of the Party Work Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone; Ding Minsheng, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Wuhu Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau; Zhang Tao, Deputy Director of Jinghu District Government of Wuhu City; Fu Zhongwang, Consultant of China Sculpture Institute and Artistic Director of  Hubei Museum of Art; Zhai Qingxi, Vice President of China Sculpture Institute and Vice President of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts; Lin Gang, Vice President of China Sculpture Institute and President of Hangzhou Sculpture Academy, tan Xun, vice-president of China Sculpture Institute and vice-president of the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Plastic Arts College, Hua Chunjiang, vice-secretary-general of China Sculpture Institute; Liu Meixia, Office Director of China Sculpture Institute, and relevant department leaders and staff.

The Jury

Since 2011, Wuhu Government has been working with China Sculpture institute to build Wuhu Sculpture Park, blending high-quality artworks with high-quality environment, it provides an important cultural sample for Wuhu's urban cultural construction and people's good life, and makes a new chapter for the integration of outdoor sculpture art into urban public space. Based on years of collaboration and social foundation, this sculpture exhibition is organised by the two sides to add new insights and new impetus to Wuhu's urban culture.

The Selection Meeting

The maquette exhibition has a total of 37 works, out of which the jury selected 18 pieces to be implemented.

Work List:

Chen Hui, Forge Ahead

Chen Huisong, Car-Building Dream

Du Lei, Colorful Childhood

Feng Chongli, Trace of Wind--5

Gu Daoxu, Green Travel

Guo Bingyao, The Beginning of Autumn No.2

He Zhenhai, A Thousand Mountains Have Been Left Behind

Hu Pinghui, Age

Jin Yezihong, New Dream of the Century

Li Qingyang, As Water 

Liao Jian, Song of the Long River 

Liu Chang, New Tide 

Liu Qin, Heavy Traffic No.1

Liu Song, Fishing Song 

Meng Xiangyu, In the Distance 

Pang Yaokun, Wuhu Image 

Ren Zhengjun, The Boatwright's Song 

Shang Hongqiao, Digital Bridge 

Wang Zhe, Sunrise by the Riverside 

Wei Kun, Sky Gate 

Wei Erqiang&Chu Meng, Everywhere is Reachable 

Wei Yangbowen, Ride Towards the Far Poem 

Wu Lan&Chen Xian, Ship of Wuhu

Wu Jiazhen, Love·Wuhu 

Xiang Miaomiao, Towards the Clouds

Yan Kun, Tide Rider

Yu Lili, River Sound

Zhai Qingxi, Smart Car&Car Building

Francesco Panceri (Italy) 《Ship of Time》

Ilker Yardimci (Turkey) 《Poetic Accumulation II》

Kamen Tanev (Bulgaria) 《Free River Forms》

Maxim Piatrul (Belarus) 《 – Internal Connection》

Michael Levchenko (Ukraine) 《Post Tango Echo of Postmodern》

Mikhail Sobolev (Russia) 《 Happy Car》

Oscar Aguirre (Cuba) 《The Slope》

Rafail Georgiev (Bulgaria) 《Transformation _Vol1》

Zdravko  Zdravkov (Bulgaria) 《Fragment of an Endless Bridge》

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